Parent - CoolSchool

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Dear parents,

We are happy to offer you daily pictures of your child. Daily pictures are posted on Tweeter through private account available only for approved users. You will have to register with us and on Tweeter and wait for the approval. Once approved you will be able to view our collection of daily pictures.

“Our Cool School” administration.

Parent’s Corner
Dear parents we are pleased to share with you some information that might help you to learn more about your child’s development:
When Toddler Does not share with sibling
Q. My 3-year-old was recently playing with her favorite teddy bear when my 8-month-old tried to pull it from her hands. My older child threw a fit, then my baby starting crying. What should I do when my daughter won't share her toys with her baby brother? Is it reasonable for her to have some things that she doesn't have to share?
A.  Sibling rivalry usually heats up once the read more link (
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Why Toddlers always say “No” read more link

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